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Dual Study ProgramBusiness Informatics

Dual Study ProgramBusiness Informatics

In your free time you are interested in economic relations, but also in computers and programming languages? Then turn your hobby into a profession and complete your Business Informatics dual studies with us! In the following, you will find all the information.

Key Facts

Bachelor of Science

Duration of study:
3 years (210 ECTS intensive program)

Mosbach and Grafenrheinfeld

What do you learn in the Business Informatics dual study program?

In the Business Informatics dual study program, you will particularly deal with business management software of companies. You will learn how to analyze operational processes and structures and then provide efficient digital support through software like SAP. This is why you will acquire not only distinct business administration knowledge during your studies but also knowledge of the theoretical principles and practical applications of modern information technologies. You will find subjects like the basics of information processing or programming but also mathematics, law and business administration on your timetable. At the end of your studies at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), you will obtain a Bachelor of Science degree.

3 reasons why you should complete a dual study program

Studying and working at the same time? A dual study program may be challenging. But there are good reasons to do it anyway!

What are the prerequisites for the Business Informatics dual study program?

You need a university entrance qualification for the dual study program, such as the university-entrance diploma. If you have a vocational diploma, you must take an additional qualifying examination at DHBW. This is a prerequisite for us as a company to be able to conclude a DHBW study contract with you.

As the name suggests, you should have an interest in the fields of economics and computer science. Good grades and fun in the computer science, mathematics and economics school subjects may be helpful during your vocational training. But you don’t have to know how to program yet, you learn the basics in your studies.

As a future business data processing specialist, you are characterized by a logical way of thinking paired with good abstraction skills. You carry out your tasks in consultation and as part of a team with your colleagues and customers, so team spirit and communication are among your strengths.

How is the Business Informatics dual study program structured?

Your bachelor studies take place at DHBW in Mosbach and during the practical phases you will be at the FIS headquarters in Grafenrheinfeld. The dual study program consists of six semesters, with each semester being divided into theoretical and practical phases. About every twelve weeks, you alternate between the two phases. You always take the exams at the end of the respective theory phase.

This is an excerpt of courses you attend at DHBW:

  • Introduction into business informatics
  • IT basics
  • Communication and operating systems
  • Programming
  • Introduction into business administration
  • Marketing
  • Cost and activity accounting
  • Business and corporate law

This is what you learn in your first academic year at FIS:

  • Getting to know the company in the form of departmental rotations
  • Attending in-house training courses
  • First contact with the SAP system through training courses and assisting the customer support as well as smaller programming activities in the JAVA environment
  • Basic knowledge of the IT area
  • Completion of the first project thesis, which always contains a practical reference to FIS

This is an excerpt of courses you attend at DHBW:

  • Project management
  • Databases
  • Web and ABAP programming
  • Distributed systems
  • Investment and financing
  • Balancing
  • Microeconomics and macroeconomics
  • Statistics

This is what you learn in your second academic year at FIS:

  • Getting to know the core departments of your dual study program: Development and (in-house) consulting
  • Getting to know the different FIS products concerning consulting and development by means of departmental rotations
  • Practical application and deepening of your programming knowledge gained at DHBW at FIS
  • Further training in the form of additional DHBW offers, such as the training supervisor qualification or SAP certification
  • Completion of the second project thesis, also with FIS reference

At the end of the second year, you are involved in the decision concerning your specialization. After you have got to know all potential (in-house) consulting and development departments, you should now decide on one, which of course should also be interesting for you after your studies.

This is an excerpt of courses you attend at DHBW:

  • Business process management
  • Project conception
  • Project implementation
  • Business management
  • Selected management aspects
  • Company simulation

Oral examinations conclude the final theory phase. There are no final exams, but all grades from the first to the sixth semester form the final grade.

This is what you learn in your third academic year at FIS:

  • You will spend your third year exclusively in your department preferred at the end of the second year
  • Involvement in real IT projects and responsibility for small work packages
  • Completion of the bachelor thesis on a topic from your department.

As these are mostly innovative approaches or generally new topics, you can already build up a wealth of knowledge and be a contact person for your colleagues beyond your studies.

Further information can be found on the DHBW Mosbach website.

What are your career opportunities after completing your studies?

After completing your dual study program in the field of business informatics, you have acquired all the skills and knowledge you need for your future work as a business data processing specialist in IT consulting. If you perform well, you will be offered an open-ended employment. Depending on whether you enjoyed IT consulting or software development more, you can work at FIS either as an SAP (In-house) Consultant or as an SAP Developer.

This is why you should complete your dual stuy program at FIS

  • Challenging practical phases
    During your practical phases at FIS, you are not only allowed to look over the shoulder of your colleagues, but also help out yourself. This way you can apply your newly acquired knowledge right away.
  • Additional certification
    If you want to participate in an SAP TS410 course incl. certification, qualify as a training supervisor or make an ITIL certification, we will cover the costs for you.
  • Training courses
    During your dual studies, you can expect interesting soft skills training courses and useful foreign language courses.
  • Interesting department rotations
    During the rotations through all departments, you will get a comprehensive insight into our company.
  • Comprehensive assistance
    Our experts assist you during your project / bachelor thesis. We also provide you with your own work area so that you can work undisturbed.
  • Valuable experience abroad
    If you would like to spend a semester abroad at a DHBW partner university, you can count on our financial support.
  • Modern equipment
    We provide you with modern technical equipment (e.g. company notebook) shortly before the start of your studies
  • Apartment search
    We support you in finding an apartment at the university campus.

We make you happy FIS Benefits

Attractive salary and travel allowance

An attractive student salary is a matter of course for us. We also subsidize your travel costs to university.

Flexible working times

Within the scope of a 40-hour week, you can structure your working hours flexibly. This is the ideal way to combine work and leisure.

Training camp

At the beginning of each academic year, you can get to know the other dual students of the different academic years as well as the trainees and instructors better at the training camp.

Sounds interesting? But that is not all! More benefits

FIS Academy

Discover the new office world for our training programs

With the FIS Academy, we have created a place where apprentices, dual students and trainees can work together and learn from each other.

This is what our students say about their dual study program at FIS

When I decided to participate in a dual study program, it was important to me to work in a future-proof industry, such as the IT sector. What I particularly like about FIS is the friendly way they treat each other. In case of questions, I can always ask my colleagues and they will be happy to help me.
Florian, student of the Business Informatics dual study program

Your contact person during your dual study program at FIS

I’m Andrea Becker and I’ve been working as a personnel officer at FIS since 2022. Among other things, I am responsible for the selection process and the organisation of the dual study programme. After studying to become a teacher, I first moved to Munich and, after much consideration, decided to switch to HR. In my free time, I love looking after my two children and Nepumuk (my sourdough 😊), baking, travelling and reading.

I’m Katja Schneider and I’ve been working as a personnel officer at FIS since 2024. Among other things, I am responsible for the selection process and the organisation of the dual study programme. After studying psychology, my path led me to FIS after I had already worked here for several years as a student trainee during my studies. In my free time, I enjoy reading, doing yoga and socialising with family and friends.

In just 4 steps to an employment contract Apply at FIS

Application, job interview, contract. Your application with FIS is very easy!

You can apply for your university place from mid-March until September 15 for the start of your studies on October 1st of the following year. You can send us your application online via our applicant portal. When applying, please also send us your last two school reports and, if available, certificates of your pupil internships. After the deadline for applications has passed and your application documents have been examined, you will receive an invitation to the job interview. If you could convince us, you will receive your study contract shortly afterwards. This also means that you are automatically enrolled as a dual student at the university.

Do you have any questions about the application process? You will find the answer to our frequently asked application questions.

* The aforementioned corporate roles, such as consultant or employees, are not gender-specific and apply for all male/female/diverse consultants and employees.

Andrea Becker
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